Understanding the basic neurophysiology is necessary for playing the games inside your mind
Understanding basic neurophysiology is just like learning how the tools work or reading a user manual or operating instructions
When you understand that you will be able to understand what is behind a particular thought and how that thought is affecting your emotions and influencing your actions
Before understanding what peace of mind is, one should understand what is a pleasant thought, what is an unpleasant thought, and what is an emotional overlay of any thought
Then one should recognize the thoughts surfacing to the conscious level from the subconscious while in the awake state and asleep state retrospectively
Then one should learn how to change the emotional overlay over the resurfacing unpleasant thought
A thought is an electrical circuit whereas memory is stored in the cells in form of molecules.
Most of the thoughts are being played in the subconscious mind
You only notice the thoughts which are surfacing into the consciousness
The surfacing thoughts give us the tools to change the subconscious
That is because emotions have a direct effect on the body via the autonomic nervous system and hormones
That is because peace is a game of the brain and the brain is a part of the body. Unless the underlying biochemistry and all the support systems like the cardiovascular system and the oxygen delivery work well, the brain will not function well. Also if the body is not functioning well, a large number of brain resources will be diverted in trying to correct that
That is because success is not possible without banishing the negative emotions like fear of failure, fear of success, worry, anxiety, restlessness, burnout, sadness, despair, to name a few, and converting them into positive emotions like hope, love, resilience, steadfastness, surrender, and detachment, to name a few